My current fitness routine and why I recommend it

The fitness industry (& tik tok haha) is filled with confusing and conflicting information along with various opinions on what the “best” workout is..

Now, having all these options isn't a bad thing but it’s hard to decide what to choose and that often makes us feel stuck when we want to get started in fitness.

For me, the best workout is the one you are actually going to SHOW UP for. Therefore…Step 1: Find a workout you enjoy!

If that is BARRE or STRENGTH TRAINING (or maybe you’re looking to find out) you’ve come to the right place..

Here’s a little back story on my movement journey:

4-18 years old: Dancing anywhere from 4-6 days a week, cheerleading, swimming, gym class, generally active

University: First time stepping foot into an actual gym but would mostly stick to cardio, did all the ‘fads’ like Kayla Itsines BBG, youtube workouts etc.- started developing an unhealthy relationship with movement & food :( 

2016-2018 after graduation: Youtube workouts (pilates, ‘toning’), dancing again 

2018: discovered boutique fitness studios in Toronto - tried a bunch & fell in love with barre fitness

2019: my first 6 month strength training program & fell in love with feeling strong! This combo changed my relationship with movement, my mindset changed & I decided to get certificated in the below. 

Certifications: Barre Fitness, Group Fitness, Personal Training, Yin Yoga, Prenatal 

2020/2021: Due to a heavy focus on teaching barre, that was my main workout with some strength training.


So, here’s the tea…

2x a week strength training 

2x a week barre 

1x a week cardio (tabata, run, bike)

Daily movement (walks, mobility/ stretching) 

**Listen to your body & rest whenever needed.

**Stay consistent, but flexible.

The schedule above is what I religiously follow myself, and what I recommend to all my clients. Why?

  • It’s the first routine that has felt sustainable for the long haul & it’s provided me with the RESULTS I've been looking for.

  • When I was doing only barre, I wasn’t progressing on my upper body strength

  • When I was only strength training, it left my body too fatigued & stressed which especially as women can mess with our hormones, energy & sleep.

  • Therefore this combo of high and medium intensity (yet largely low impact) is the perfect YIN & YANG match.

  • What does that mean? Barre & strength COMPLIMENT one another.

In my experience, too much strength training really tightened my muscles to the point where I lost a lot of my flexibility. I’m also someone who likes to move my body daily for mental clarity but you can't strength train daily (unless you want to be premealty sore). Two days of strength was the sweet spot for me to work on functional movements we need in life, and for longevity in the muscles & joints. Barre is key for me, as it adds important core stability, flexibility and mobility work to my routine. I added in 1 cardio day with lots of walking throughout the week, & it made my perfect recipe.

The key is that this routine is sustainable. I never get bored, it feels challenging yet it’s something that doesn’t cause me to burnout mentally or physically. This way, I can keep working towards my goals, while LOVING my fitness routine.

Since starting this routine these have been my main results: 

  • Increased energy & better sleep

  • Not needing to take multiple days off to recover

  • Increased upper body strength (better pushups, stronger arms shoulders & back)

  • Decreased back and hip pain 

  • Increased core strength 

  • Less upper back tension from improved posture 

  • Full body muscle definition 

I just know that you too would fall in love with this workout schedule. Commit to 3 months of following a program like this and I promise, you will feel these amazing shifts too.

Here are two ways you can follow this movement program with me: 

  1. The Move to Feel Membership - Virtual Live/On Demand subscription with a curated schedule each week. Learn more HERE.

Need more accountability? 

2. 1:1 Coaching - I will customize a plan for you that suits your lifestyle with my signature approach in mind. Learn more HERE.

Ready to get started?

Let’s do this thang

Note: Remember that so many other factors that influence our fitness such as nutrition, sleep, hormones, stress etc. be sure to consult your doctor before making major lifestyle changes!


How to create a sustainable, feel good fitness routine that lasts